12 Facts that blow you mind definitely

Some of these wild facts are so out of there that it's hard to believe they're true...

1. The catholic Church has shares in a german media group which publishes porn and erotica

2. In Denmark it is not illegal to escape prison

3. Our Brain has special neurons that help us yo find each others lips in the dark


4. The world's widest tree, a banyan tree in India, is larger than the average wal mart

5. Eating chocolate while studying increase the chance of your understanding the material and performing well...

6. Saudi Arabia imports camel from Australia.

7. From the time that pluto become a planet to the time its planet-ship revoked, it never completed a full revolution around the sun

8. Blue-eyed people tend to have a higher tolerance of alcohal than oeople have darker eye.

9. The atomic bomb was built 20 year before the color TV.

10. Your pupil is dilate when you look someone you love or hate.

11. The word coffee comes from the 'Arabic' for, "wine of the beans".

12. The world's smallest international bridge is between US and Canada and it's 32 feet long


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